Wychowanie liturgiczne dzieci i młodzieży w nowej "Podstawie programowej katechezy Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce"

Children’s and teenagers’ liturgical education in the new catechesis curriculum of Catholic Church in Poland

Treść artykułu: Pobierz | Czytaj

Strona: 241 - 255

Publikacja w numerze Rok XVII (2011) nr 38

Autor Jerzy Kostorz


Children’s and teenagers’ liturgical education is an important task of integral catechesis. It is accomplished at school and in parish. The knowledge about liturgy is passed on at school while the formation of attitudes and introduction to Christ mystery, present and acting in sacraments, is done in parish.

The aim of this article is to describe the above mentioned issues based on the new, signed on March 8th 2010 “Catechesis curriculum of Catholic Church in Poland.”

First, liturgical education is briefly discussed. Then, the new catechesis curriculum is synthetically characterized. Next, liturgical eductation and forming liturgical attitudes accor- ding to the new curriculum is presented. The particular stages of education in kindergarden, primary school, gimnazjum and secondary school are underlined. Summarising these con- sidrations the author evaluates children’s and teenagers’ liturgical education that is proposed in the new catechesis curriculum. New catechetical and pastoral challenges are also mentioned here.