Eucharystia i życie moralne w świetle homilii Jana Pawła II wygłoszonej w Tarnowie 10 czerwca 1987 r. podczas nieszporów eucharystycznych

Treść artykułu: Pobierz | Czytaj

Strona: 363 - 375

Publikacja w numerze Rok XXIII (2017) nr 50

Autor Marek Kluz


Eucharistic and Moral Life in the Light of the Homily of John Paul II Preached during the Eucharistic Vespers in Tarnów on June 10th, 1987 


The gift of Eucharist is the centre of the whole moral life of Christians. Thanks to it one can decipher the essence of the Christian life. Therefore, it is not surprising that pope John Paul II in his ministry of the word often raised the subject of the Eucharist. He wanted to deepen and to revive in worshipers the cult of Eucharistic Jesus. The same desire accompanied John Paul II while visiting Tarnów in 1987. In the homily said during the Vespers at the Cathedral Square on June 10 the pope showed the Eucharist with it’s unquestionable moral calls, which at the same time are the expression of one single love. The Eucharist itself grows out of love-sacrifice and love-devotion. Therefore, the Eucharist is the greatest treasure given to man for shaping his moral life.

Keywords: John Paul II, teaching, Tarnów, Eucharist, sacrifice, feast, worship, thanksgiving, mystery of faith and love.