Obce ciało Krzysztofa Zanussiego—dotknięcie mistyki

Treść artykułu: Pobierz | Czytaj

Strona: 569 - 578

Publikacja w numerze Rok XXII (2016) nr 48

Autor Marek Lis


Obce ciało (Foreign Body) — Krzysztof Zanussi’s touch of mysticism

Krzysztof Zanussi in his films has been exploring several themes from ethical and theological perspectives. His recent film, Obce ciało (Foreign Body), an analysis of conflict between faith in God and atheism and between a modern multinational corporation, symbolized by Kris, and Angelo, a man faithful to his catholic convictions, is in fact a story on dark night of the soul, described by St. John of the Cross. Main figures of the film are experiencing presence or absence of God: for Angelo, sure of his faith, serious doubts come when his close friend Kasia decides to become a nun. For Adam, struggling for his father’s life, who refuses image of God lacking of mercy, an unexpected answer comes: a miracle saves the life of his father. Zanussi’s philosophical-anthropological treatise, with theological foun- dations, reveals not only possible attitudes of his protagonists towards God, but suggests also how God can act in their lives.

Key words: Krzysztof Zanussi, mysticism, film, faith, atheism.